Mensaje Esperanza

Iglesia cristiana misionera con 8 años de presencia en Panamá.

man kneeling down near shore
man kneeling down near shore
person reading a book with hands on top of book
person reading a book with hands on top of book
man sitting on chair holding and surrounded by people
man sitting on chair holding and surrounded by people
man holding his hands on open book
man holding his hands on open book
selective focus photography of You Are Loved book
selective focus photography of You Are Loved book

Iglesia Cristiana Misionera Brisas

Llevando un mensaje de esperanza a la comunidad de Brisa del Golf en Panamá desde hace 8 años.

religious concert performed by a band on stage
religious concert performed by a band on stage



Inspirando fe y esperanza

Impacto positivo

La comunidad de Brisa del Golf ha sido bendecida con el mensaje de esperanza de Alainza Brisas. Gracias por su labor misionera y su dedicación durante estos 8 años.

María López

grayscale photo of man in praising gesture
grayscale photo of man in praising gesture
